The Forgiveness of Sins

At Sunday Mass when we sing or say the Nicene Creed, we “acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. But the Church pays only lip service to this idea. While we read Bible passages about forgiveness, hear confessions, and pronounce absolution, Churches seldom oppose punishment per se in the secular world.  The United States, a supposedly “Christian” country, has yet to read, mark, and inwardly digest the concept of forgiveness. Instead, we have a punishment mentality. Most punishment occurs…

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Singing The Gospel of Jesus

At a home for the elderly, residents with dementia gathered for their weekly rhythm exercises. The therapist directed each member to bang out numbers and shake maracas to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Some who seemed otherwise non compis mentis could nonetheless tap on cue. Alzheimer’s researchers report that patients unable to speak can sing childhood melodies. Why? Since Acts 2:46 tell us, â€śSong is the singing of the heart’s joy,” should not the Gospel of Jesus be sung at Mass? The gospels…

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The Assumption of Mary Meets the Progressive Emerging Church

SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION – AUGUST 19, 2012 St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Phoenix, Arizona Sermon preached by David Justin Lynch, Esquire Magnificat in place of the Gloria. Collect: 1979 BCP, Page 34. OT: Wisdom 7:21-30; Psalm: 9:9-14; NT:  Acts 1:6-12; Gospel: John 19:25-27 + In the name of God, Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, AMEN. The traditional doctrine of the Assumption for Western Christians has Mary, the Mother of Jesus, rising up into the sky instead of dying. ^ Eastern Christians…

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My Health Care Program

The ongoing debate over health care has overlooked my very simple solution. What is missing is a discussion whether health care is a right. I say it is, and that there should be no compromise on that. Everyone is entitled to health care, period end of story. My proposal to deliver it is as follows and should be in the form of an Amendment to the US Constitution 1. All persons lawfully present in the United States are entitled to…

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Holy Week begs the question, “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” Many Christians believe in “penal substitution.” They believe: all humankind has sinned, God’s justice requires a penalty be paid for sin, so God sent Jesus to suffer the penalty in our place by dying on the cross. But what does that say about God, and is that how Jesus saw himself? “Penal Substitution,” the dominant theory of Calvin and Luther in Sixteenth Century Continental Europe, has been widely…

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How I would reorganize organized baseball

Having been a lifelong baseball fan and having umpired from 1970 to 1984 (including the minors), I have concluded that Organized Baseball needs a bit of a facelift and updating. First, we need to expand by two franchises to cover up and coming metropolitan areas. One is the Winston-Salem North Carolina area and the other is Portland, Oregon, both of which now have minor league teams so we know there is interest there in the game. That would bring the…

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This Election

This election is known as a “watershed election,” also known as a “political realignment. Having been raised by a liberal Democrat mother in a progressive Angl0-Catholic parish, one would expect that I would reflexively support Barack Obama and the rest of the Democrat tick and would vote NO on Proposition 8. That is indeed how I will vote. But even if I did not have those background cultural advantages, I would still arrive at the same conclusion. This is not…

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Why this blog?

My favorite job in Church is that of thurifer. While I usually shy away from literally interpreting scripture, I do believe there is one verse every Christian church should take seriously: “And in every place, incense SHALL be offered unto My name, thus says the LORD.” (Malachai 1:11). Thus, I am known for stoking the thurible for maximum smoke output and making it do tricks in processions, such as 360’s, double and triple 360’s, figure 8’s, corner swings. Some may…

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