Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about Saint Cecilia Catholic Community

Yes. Saint Cecilia Catholic Community is a member of the Diocese of California in the Ecumenical Catholic Communion, a non-Vatican Catholic jurisdiction with bishops, priests, and deacons validly ordained in the Apostolic Succession. In addition, the history of the Old Catholic Movement within Catholicism is significant for our faith community because it is from the Old Catholic Church that our church derives her apostolic succession and her distinctive theological orientation.
The Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC) is a group of independent communities with over 10,000 members across the US and Europe. The ECC is based on the Catholic tradition but is not in communion with the Bishop of Rome. We are a "communion of communities" joined by the Holy Spirit to form a household of faith, as described by St. Ignatius of Antioch. We follow the essentials of the Christian tradition, including the Sacred Scriptures, ancient creeds, sacraments, and liturgical worship, and the threefold apostolic ministry. The ECC is unique for its inclusion of synodality, the laity, and the clergy in the governance and mission of the Church. In addition, the ECC welcomes divorced and remarried persons, married clergy, women priests, and LGBTQ persons.
Yes. The Old Catholic Church has a valid apostolic succession and sacraments according to the Roman Catholic Church's Dominus Iesus declaration, the Catholic Almanac, and other Catholic sources. There's no reason to doubt the validity of Old Catholic Orders. Catholics can receive sacraments from Old Catholic or Polish National Church ministers when a Roman Catholic minister is unavailable. For more information, contact Rev. Father David Justin Lynch.
Yes. We offer all sacraments to everyone. At Saint Cecilia Catholic Community, we welcome everyone - longtime Catholics, Christians of all traditions, and those new to the faith. We also welcome those without a church home, doubters, and non-believers. We welcome visitors and old friends, people of every age, size, color, culture, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, ability, and challenge. Whether you're a believer, a questioner, or a questioning believer, we welcome you to celebrate, sorrow, rejoice, and recover with us.
At Saint Cecilia Catholic Community, the Sunday Mass is sung, with the presider singing all parts of the mass and the congregation participating in hymns, sung responses, and the Our Father. The setting of the Ordinary is composed by the presider, and the music includes all periods and styles, including Gregorian chant, Bach, Mozart, Victorian hymns, Gospel-style, and others. Singing in worship is supported by references in both Jewish and Christian scriptures, and St. Augustine said "to sing is to pray twice." Music communicates on a level beyond verbal understanding, making it a powerful tool in worship.
Saint Cecilia Catholic Community offers a range of sacraments and sacramentals. Baptisms are available to all without the need for classes, but a meeting with the pastor is recommended. The suggested donation is $150. Confirmation requires regular attendance at Sunday Mass and service to the church. Quinceañeras can be celebrated at the church with a suggested donation of $400, and weddings are available for opposite or same-sex couples with a valid marriage license. Funerals can also be conducted at the church or another location, with a suggested donation of $150. Ordination and incardination are open to confirmed adults with a genuine call to ministry. Fees for music and other services vary by event.
For Baptism at this church, the suggested donation is $150 per candidate for Sunday Mass or at a private service. However, inability to pay will not be a barrier. No classes are required for Baptism, and Godparents can be any baptized person over 16. Three options are available: Baptism during Sunday Mass with music, a private service with or without music, or an emergency Baptism with no music. The first two options require three weeks' notice. Music is free during Sunday Mass, but additional charges apply for a separate service. Emergency Baptisms can be scheduled with 24 hours' notice and are in English only. If desired, families may hold a reception at the church, but must bring their own refreshments. To learn more visit our Baptism page.
We hold mass on Sundays at 10:30 AM.
St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music, and we take that very seriously. St. Cecilia was born into a wealthy Roman family in the 3rd century and vowed her virginity to Christ. St. Cecilia's legend says that while her wedding guests played profane music, she sang in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus. She then helped to convert her husband to Christianity and inspired him to respect her vow of purity. St. Cecilia's husband and his brother were later martyred themselves for burying martyred Christians. St. Cecilia was also arrested for her refusal to worship false gods, but despite being suffocated and receiving three blows to the neck, she did not die easily. St. Cecilia is typically portrayed with a musical instrument, and her gifts remind us to ask for her prayers for musicians.
Yes, we do. Feel free to order our Catechism or check out other works published by Rev. Father David Justin Lynch.
Yes. We livestream our Sunday Mass on Facebook, where you can also watch recordings of older livestreams. In addition, we offer a limited listing of past livestreams on our site.