Vatican Social Justice Documents

Saint Cecilia Catholic Community is not affiliated with the Vatican. The documents listed below are intended solely as research resources and do not reflect doctrinal positions taken by Saint Cecilia Catholic Community. In fact, our community vehemently disagrees with statements in them regarding papal authority, sexuality, and other issues. The documents are provided solely as a library for the convenience of researchers.

Rerum Novarum. . . (On the Condition of Labor)—Pope Leo XIII, 1891
Quadragesimo Anno. . . (After Forty Years)—Pope Pius XI, 1931
Mater et Magistra. . . (Christianity and Social Progress)—St. John XXIII, 1961
Pacem in Terris. . . (Peace on Earth)—St. John XXIII, 1963
Gaudium et Spes. . . (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World)—Second Vatican Council, 1965
Dignitatis Humanae . . .  (Declaration on Religious  Freedom)—Second Vatican Council, 1965
Populorum Progressio. . . (On the Development of Peoples)—Blessed Paul VI, 1967
Octogesima Adveniens. . . (A Call to Action)—Blessed Pope Paul VI, 1971
Evangelii Nuntiandi. . . (Evangelization in the Modern World)—Blessed Paul VI, 1975
Laborem Exercens. . . (On Human Work)—St. John Paul II, 1981
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis. . . (On Social Concern)—St. John Paul II, 1987
The Church and Racism:  Towards a more fraternal society. . . —Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace,  1989
Centesimus Annus. . . (The Hundredth Year)—St. John Paul II, 1991
Veritatis splendor. . . (The Splendor of Truth)—St. John Paul II, 1993
Evangelium Vitae. . . (The Gospel of Life)—St. John Paul II, 1995
Fides et Ratio. . . (Faith and Reason)—St. John Paul II, 1998
Deus Caritas Est. . . (God Is Love)—Pope Benedict XVI, 2005
Caritas in Veritate. . . (Charity in Truth)—Pope Benedict XVI, 2009
Evangelii Gaudium. . . (The Joy of the Gospel)—Pope Francis, 2013
Laudato Si’ . . . (On Care for Our Common Home)—Pope Francis, 2015